Shop To Rent in Bromley

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Main Photo of a Shop to rent
£9,600 Annually

Shop to rent
Whitchurch Road, Cardiff, CF14 3JP - 154 miles from the centre of Bromley

This modern A1 Shop Unit affords just under 400 square feet of retail area plus Kitchenette and Separate WC. The property is available on a New Lease due to the relocation of the present tenants.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 15-10-2022

Marketed by Simpson Estates Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a Shop to rent
£600 Monthly

Shop to rent
Hinde House Lane, Sheffield, S4 8GY - 7 miles from the centre of Bromley

Shop available to letMain Shop Front - 20ft x 15ftBottom Floor - 20ft x 7ft

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 10-04-2024

Marketed by Global Letting Property Management Ltd Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a Shop to rent
£600 Monthly

Shop to rent
Whitley Avenue, Halesowen, B63 4DU - 76 miles from the centre of Bromley

Paul Estates are proud to offer these commercial premises in Halesowen. The premises are located in a prime location and would be ideal for a barbers or office.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 17-09-2019

Marketed by Paul Estates Ltd Click to show agent's number