Detached Bungalow To Rent in Walford

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Main Photo of a 4 bedroom  Detached Bungalow to rent
£2,600 Monthly

4 bedroom Detached Bungalow to rent
Blacksmiths Lane, Little Beckford, Tewkesbury, GL20 7AH - 77 miles from the centre of Walford

**Immaculately presented, refurbished & extended**Welcome to our four double bedroom detached Bungalow, located in the sought after village of Little Beckford, all sat with grounds of 0.25 of an acre.This property has been finished to a very high standard throughout.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 26-04-2023

Marketed by Charles Carter Lettings and Property Management Click to show agent's number 

Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Detached Bungalow to rent
£1,600 Monthly

3 bedroom Detached Bungalow to rent
Attington Stud, Tetsworth, Thame, OX9 7BY - 101 miles from the centre of Walford

A unique opportunity to rent a three bedroom detached bungalow situated in a rural location on a private country estate and located close to stables. Would suit a country loving professional couple. Not suitable for younger children. UNFURNISHED. EPC Rating F. CONTACT BB LETTINGS 01844 354554.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 28-02-2024

Marketed by Bonners and Babingtons Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a 3 bedroom  Detached Bungalow to rent
£1,350 Monthly

3 bedroom Detached Bungalow to rent
Heol Cae Rhys, Rhiwbina, Cardiff, CF14 6AN - 34 miles from the centre of Walford

This unfurnished detached dormer backs onto the railway embankment and could be used as three bedrooms or two if you wanted an extra reception room. The property has an En-Suite Bathroom and separate toilet upstairs, and also a separate shower room downstairs, a decent garden and single garage altho

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 06-04-2024

Marketed by Simpson Estates Click to show agent's number