2 Bedroom Detached Houses To Rent in Holly Cross

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Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Detached House to rent
£1,650 Monthly

2 bedroom Detached House to rent
The Walled Garden, Harleyford Estate, Marlow, SL7 2FD - 5 miles from the centre of Holly Cross

A very well presented detached two bedroom lodge with well proportioned rooms situated in the `Walled Garden` on the sought after Harleyford Estate. FURNISHED. CONTACT B&B LETTINGS 01628 333800

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 29-04-2023

Marketed by Bonners and Babingtons Click to show agent's number 

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Main Photo of a 2 bedroom  Detached House to rent
£1,600 Monthly

2 bedroom Detached House to rent
Talbot Road, Rushden, NN10 9NS - 55 miles from the centre of Holly Cross

Inspired Sales & Lettings are delighted upon instruction with this two/three bedroom Chalet Style property situated in Rushden. The property is currently being built but boasts off road parking, two/three bedrooms, Jack & Jill Ensuite, Downstairs W.C and open plan living / kitchen area.

Full detailsContact agent Save Property Save Property Property Added 26-02-2024

Marketed by Inspired Estate Agents Click to show agent's number